What is OKRs for Jira?

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What is OKRs for Jira?

Our vision

We created a simple product to help people successfully introduce and work with the OKR framework in their organizations. For C-levels, managers, team leaders, and anyone who has accepted the challenge of focusing their work on the things that matter.

The product

OKRs for Jira allows to:

  1. See how the individual work contributes to the bigger picture
    Get an overview of all of the objectives in the organization in a hierarchical structure, including the key results of each objective. Filter this view however you want to get a view that suits you best.

  2. Track the progress and keep everyone in the loop
    To make OKRs work for your organization, you should keep the track of what’s going on on your level of interest. In OKRs for Jira you can track the history of progress updates for both KRs and the objectives. It gives you the visibility you need on any level of granularity.

  3. Keep an eye on the work related to reaching your OKRs
    Make your business-as-usual focused by connecting Jira issues to related KRs. You can track their progress directly on the KR page. It allows you to review the related work during your weekly OKR review meetings.

The product team

We’re highly skilled individuals who love making the work of others easier. We base the product features and the experience design on continuous research and data analysis.

We believe involving our customers in product development is the way to go. All of the survey responses and video calls are highly appreciated. Only after we know you, we can build a product that would give you exactly what you need


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