Extended Search Filters

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Extended Search Filters

You can save your queries as Jira filters and use them everywhere in Jira. It’s a powerful feature that lets you use your queries in reports, Jira search, automation, and even other Jira apps.


Using filters in queries

To apply a filter to a JQL query, use the following expressions:


Create a filter

  1. In the Extended Search screen, perform a search with the desired JQL query.

  2. Once the search results are displayed, click Save the query as a filter in the upper-right corner.

  3. In the Save query as a filter window, enter a filter name, then click Save.

You can now search for your filter in Jira search and everywhere else, e.g., filter='All Blue Mountain'.

Filters are shared with other authenticated users by default. You can make it private or share it with more people in Jira filter permissions management.

List extended search filters

You can see the details of your saved filters on the Extended Search filters page. Here, you can review the JQL query of a filter and when it was last reindexed. Filters are updated periodically every few minutes. You can edit, rename, or delete a filter from the More options menu in the Actions column.

Edit a filter query

To edit a filter query:

  1. Go to the Extended Search filters page.

  2. In the Actions column, click the More options icon, then select Edit query.

  3. Enter a new query and click the Search icon.

  4. Click Save. The edited filter appears in the Extended Search filters page.

Rename a filter

If you change the filter name, you need to update all references to the filter name in your Jira JQL queries.

To change a filter name:

  1. Go to the Extended Search filters page.

  2. In the Actions column, click the More options icon, then select Edit name.

  3. Enter a new filter name, then click Save.

Delete a filter

Do not delete filters directly in Jira. Always do it in the Extended search filters screen.

To delete a filter:

  1. Go to the Extended Search filters page.

  2. In the Actions column, click the More options icon, then select Delete.

  3. Click Delete in the confirmation window to confirm.

Filters are normally deleted in Jira during this process. If the filter was deleted in Jira before the deletion in JQL Search Extensions, you can still delete the filter from a list.

If the filter changes owner, the filter is removed from the filters list for the current user, but it is not removed from the system. The new owner can use the filter.

Change a filter owner

Admins can change the owner of shared filters in Jira in a standard way. Once the owner is changed in Jira, you should wait a few minutes for JQL Search Extensions to detect the change.

To change a filter owner:

  1. From the top navigation bar, select Filters > View all filters.

  2. Select the More options icon for the required filter, then select Change owner from the list of options.

  3. Select a new owner, then click Change Owner.

Share a filter

Filters are shared with other authenticated users by default.

To change the filter permissions in Jira:

  1. From the top navigation bar, select Filters > View all filters.

  2. Select the required filter from the list.

  3. Next to the filter name, select Details > Edit permissions. The Edit filter window displays.

  4. Make the desired changes to the view and edit permissions, then click Save. You can learn more in Atlassian’s documentation about sharing Jira filters.


There are some technical limitations that need to be followed:

  • currentUser(), votedIssues(), watchedIssues() always use the filter owner user session and evaluate to the filter owner user

  • Filters are reindexed every few minutes, which might delay accurate filter results. Refer to the Extended Search Filters to confirm the last time your filters were synced correctly.

  • A large number of filters can increase the reindexing time.

Do not edit the JQL of a filter directly in Jira. The JQL is overwritten periodically by our indexing service.