OKR hierarchy view

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OKR hierarchy view

What is the OKR hierarchy view?

OKR hierarchy view is a view where you can see the OKRs in a tree-like form, focusing on the Owners of the OKRs. With this view, you can clearly see how the goals are aligned with each other and whose OKRs contribute to whose. You can choose to view the OKRs of just one team, a few teams, or the whole company. See the rest of the article below for more details.

How to look at the OKR hierarchy view?

Company view

By default, you’ll see all the top-level OKRs from the period you have selected on the Overview. (If no teams are selected, you’ll see the whole structure.) Now you can dive deeper by expanding the tree, in order to see everything that is planned for the selected period. You can zoom in and zoom out with the buttons on the screen or with your mouse/trackpad.

Default view for a selected quarter


Example of a zoomed-out OKR structure


In order to view the contributing elements of a top-level OKR, click the “Show” button on its card. The button will also display how many elements are there to expand. You can collapse the structure by clicking on the “Hide” button that appears after expanding the structure.

Example of an OKR card

Team view

You may want to select just one team or a few teams working closely to see how their OKRs connect. In order to do this, choose one or more teams in the Team selector at the top of the page.

After selecting a particular team, you will see only OKR belonging to this team in a selected period. If you select multiple teams, you will see all their top-level OKRs on one level. See below:

OKRs of one team
OKRs of 2 teams


Right now, you won’t see the higher-level objectives of the ones displayed, unless they have another team assigned, and you decide to also pick this team. We plan to provide an option to display higher-level and contributing elements of the filtered OKRs later on.

You can further narrow down this view by picking a Label in the Label selector at the top, in addition to period and team. This way you can see only OKRs from a selected period, from a selected team, that are tagged with a specific label.


Exporting the view

Right now, the easiest way to export this view will be to take screenshots of the desired section of the page. We do plan to provide an easy PDF export of this view this year. Please let us know via chat if you’d to have this feature.

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