Jira Hierarchy & Advanced Roadmaps JQL Functions

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Jira Hierarchy & Advanced Roadmaps JQL Functions

The instructions on this page describe how to execute a JQL search using JQL Search Extensions.

Jira Hierarchy JQL Functions

JQL functions are accessible from Extended Search screen or via Extended Search filters in Jira advanced search.


For a given JQL subquery it finds parents of resulting issues. It supports Advanced Roadmaps “Parent Link” and a standard Jira hierachy Epic → Story → Subtask.

Also have a look at ParentsOfIssuesInQueryRecursive.


issue in parentsOfIssuesInQuery("project='ACME' and type=Epic") finds all parents of epics in project ACME. Parents of epics are usually called Initiative.
issue in parentsOfIssuesInQuery("assignee=currentUser()") finds parents of all of my tickets.


For a given JQL subquery it finds issues in the hierarchy above the resulting issues up to an optional depth. It supports Advanced Roadmaps “Parent Link” and a standard Jira hierachy Epic → Story → Subtask.


issue in parentsOfIssuesInQueryRecursive("project='ACME' and type=Epic") finds all parents of epics in project ACME, and parents of parents, and so on. Parents of epics are usually called Initiative.
issue in parentsOfIssuesInQuery("assignee=currentUser() and issueType in subtaskIssueTypes()", 2) finds parents of my subtasks and epics of the parents, skips anything above epics.


For a given JQL subquery it finds children of resulting issues. It supports Advanced Roadmaps “Parent Link” and a standard Jira hierachy Epic → Story → Subtask. Also have a look at ChildrenOfIssuesInQueryRecursive.


issue in childrenOfIssuesInQuery("project='ACME' and type=Initiative") finds all epics in initiatives in project ACME.
issue in childrenOfIssuesInQuery("assignee=currentUser()") finds children of all of my tickets.


For a given JQL subquery it finds issues in the hierarchy below the resulting issues up to an optional depth. It supports Advanced Roadmaps “Parent Link” and a standard Jira hierachy Epic → Story → Subtask.


issue in childrenOfIssuesInQueryRecursive("project='ACME' and type=Initiative") finds all epics, stories and subtasks in initiatives in project ACME.
issue in childrenOfIssuesInQueryRecursive("assignee=currentUser() and type=Initiative", 2) finds epics and stories of all of my epics and skips the subtasks.

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