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Field Comparisons JQL Functions
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The instructions on this page describe how to execute a JQL search using JQL Search Extensions.
Field Comparisons JQL functions
JQL functions are accessible from Extended Search screen or via Extended Search filters in Jira advanced search.
Find issues with dates matching an expression.
Expression consists of 2 date fields connected with a comparision operator: <, <=, >, >=, =
issue in dateCompare("duedate < resolved")
issue in dateCompare("'Target date' >= 'Start date'")
Find issues with dates matching an expression. This function takes into account only the date part of the timestamps.
Expression consists of 2 date fields connected with a comparision operator: <, <=, >, >=, =
issue in dateCompareIgnoreTime("duedate < resolved")
issue in dateCompareIgnoreTime("'Target date' >= 'Start date'")
Field Comparisons JQL Aliases
Search for issues which were not updated since creation
= | != | ~ | !~ | > | >= | < | <= | IS | IS NOT | IN | NOT IN | WAS | WAS IN | WAS NOT | WAS NOT IN | CHANGED |
hasSameUpdatedAndCreatedDate = "true"
Search for issues with the same assignee and reporter
= | != | ~ | !~ | > | >= | < | <= | IS | IS NOT | IN | NOT IN | WAS | WAS IN | WAS NOT | WAS NOT IN | CHANGED |
< |