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Subtasks JQL Functions
The instructions on this page describe how to execute a JQL search using JQL Search Extensions.
- 1 Subtasks JQL functions
- 2 Subtasks JQL Aliases
- 2.1 ParentSummary
- 2.2 ParentPriority
- 2.3 ParentIssueType
- 2.4 ParentStatus
- 2.5 ParentStatusCategory
- 2.6 SubtasksCount
- 2.7 SubtaskSummary
- 2.8 SubtaskKey
- 2.9 SubtaskPriority
- 2.10 SubtaskIssueType
- 2.11 SubtaskStatus
- 2.12 SubtaskStatusCategory
Subtasks JQL functions
JQL functions are accessible from Extended Search screen or via Extended Search filters in Jira advanced search.
For a given JQL subquery it finds parents of resulting subtasks
issue in parentsOfSubtasksInQuery("status='To Do'") and status='Done'
finds finished issues that have unfinished subtasksissue in parentsOfSubtasksInQuery("assignee=currentUser()")
finds parents of my subtasks
For a given JQL subquery it finds subtasks of resulting parent issues
issue in subtasksOfParentsInQuery("status='Done'") and status='To Do'
finds subtasks that are in progress and have finished parentsissue in subtasksOfParentsInQuery("assignee=currentUser()")
finds subtasks of my issues
Subtasks JQL Aliases
Search for subtasks with a parent's summary containing a particular text.
= | != | ~ | !~ | > | >= | < | <= | IS | IS NOT | IN | NOT IN | WAS | WAS IN | WAS NOT | WAS NOT IN | CHANGED |
Find subtasks which parents summary contains text "Test"
parentSummary ~ "Test"
Search for subtasks with a parent of a particular Priority.
= | != | ~ | !~ | > | >= | < | <= | IS | IS NOT | IN | NOT IN | WAS | WAS IN | WAS NOT | WAS NOT IN | CHANGED |